Monday, June 23, 2008

Leading Supreme Court Decisions

I posted earlier on the Congressional Research Service history of overruled Supreme Court decisions. The CRS published, in 2002, with 2006 supplements, a history of Court decisions that:
  • overturned previous Supreme Court decisions
  • held acts of congress unconstitutional
  • held state statutes or state constitutional provisions unconstitutional
  • held local laws unconstitutional
  • held state or local laws to be preempted by federal law.
The Court's opinions provide an education into the nation's legal and cultural evolution.

To follow up on the listing of overturned decsions I posted earlier, I've posted here links to the other CRS lists, incorporating the updates and linking the CRS citations to their full texts of the cases on Justia:

Overturned Supreme Court Decsions
Overruled Supreme Court Decisions to June 2006

Acts of Congress Held Unconstitutional

State Law Held Unconstitutional

Municipal Ordinances Held Unconstitutional

State and Municipal Law Preempted by Federal Law

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